Welcome to Julie's Elongated Coin Home Page!
Elongated Coins, smashed, squished, squashed, pinched, souvenir, whatever you want to call them, this is my site about them!  I have set up this page for my favorite hobby of collecting and trading elongated coins.  These are coins that are put through machines and come out with images pressed on them.  They can be pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars & dollars.  Basically, if it is a coin it can be smashed!  Please feel free to browse around.  If you would like to trade, please email me.   I travel around the country with my mom in our 34' moterhome, so do not usually have a phone.  However we do have mobile email. 

Sign the guest book and let me know what you think!
My Collection
     As Collected (follow my travels thru this
personally rolled, numbered collection)
Zoos / Aquariums 1
Zoos / Aquariums 2
Theme Parks
     Tokyo Disneyland
Walt Disney World
By State 1
By State 2
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Carousel Carving!
Trade Stock
Zoo / Aquarium
Theme Parks
State / Misc

I have not had time to update my trade list in a while, but take a look at my personal collection, I may still have new extras from #1679  Page 6 and Page 7
Our Travels - Check out pictures of our travels!  I have added LOTS of pictures of our travels in 2002! 

Egg Creations - Carving on Eggshells

Woodcarving - some other projects

Cross Stitching
Check out my very own       Carousel Quarter!!